"repositories": [{
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://satis.oroinc.com/"
Add this Satis repository to your composer.json
Akeneo PIM bundle to export to Drupal commerce platform
Dn'D Oro Api Connector Bundle to extend OroCommerce API
Akeneo Symfony Batch Bundle
OroCRM basic Mandrill integration
Abandoned! Package is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
Add ability to enable inline edit for Akeneo PIM product grid
Add WebTracked Events on WebCustomer's page
DiamanteDesk OroCRM Integration Bundle
OroCRM Amazon Integration Bundle
OroCRM eBay Integration Bundle
Extension to connect ePhoto to Akeneo
Fundbox Checkout Integration for OroCommerce
OroCRM User Import Bundle
OroCommerce Extension for connecting to the Ingenico ePayments Connect platform
Jovial Chart Bundle. Extends the Oro BAP Chart Bundle to use the Chart.js lib.
Base tools to build Akeneo connectors, released with ready-to-use bundles.
Mollie Payment Module for OroCommerce
Message queue statistics for OroPlatform
Fork of nelmio/NelmioApiDocBundle to make 2.x version compatible with Symfony 5
Akeneo PIM OroCommerce Connector.
OroCommerce - an open-source Business to Business Commerce application.\This package contains a sample application.
OroCommerce - an open-source Business to Business Commerce application.\This package contains a sample application.
OroCommerce OroCRM Enterprise Bridge
OroCommerce + OroCrm Enterprise Application.
OroCommerce + OroCrm Enterprise Application.
OroCommerce Enterprise.
OroCommerce Enterprise Application.
The OroCRM distribution
OroCRM Enterprise
The OroCRM Enterprise Application
OroCRM Demo Data Bundle
OroCRM Pro LDAP Bundle
Abandoned! Package is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
Elasticsearch 5 Bundle
Abandoned! Package is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
PHP Client for Elasticsearch
Abandoned! Package is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
This is a fork of an older verions of PHP HTTP client - https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle3. This library is deprecated in favor of https://packagist.org/packages/guzzlehttp/guzzle
Adding HTML5 tags support to WYSIWYG editors
Oro Marketplace capabilities for OroCommerce Platform
Abandoned! Package is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
ORO Message Queue Component
Abandoned! Package is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
ORO Message Queue Bundle
Microsoft 365 calendar events and tasks synchronization for Oro applications
Oro Multi-Host deployment support for BAP
OroCommerce + OroCrm + Marketplace Enterprise Application.
OroCRM/OroCommerce connector for Microsoft Outlook
Oro Platform Empty Application
OroPlatform Enterprise